Saturday, December 29, 2007

December Update!

Hey boys and Girls, Ladies and Gents!

So it's been a while with the posting ya?

First off, Merry Xmas, Happy Hanuka, Good Kwanzaa, and Blessed Yule. Enjoy Festivus for the rest of us, and to the Atheists out there, Have a great day.

Second, I hope everyone who stumbles upon this will have a great and memorable New Year with peace and prosperity. This leads me to the next thing, the book is far from finished.

I'm pushing to complete it by the end of January. The release date should still be by mid May for the recorded Podiobook. Hopefully after edits, I can release a teaser of chapter one, which is now considerably shorter. I'm determined to have this done, more so then my actually looking for another job at the moment. Heh. Go figure.

I've been talking to my better-half, and am trying to convince him of dong some artwork for cover-art, as well as things to toss into the feed. It's a slow process, but something I want to try to do. It should be interesting to say the least.

So please stay tuned, I'm going to try to attempt more postings on this blog about the upcoming release, work, teasers, and the like. Thanks for looking!

In the meanwhile, please check out these AWESOME Podiobooks! These people have been mentors of a sort, and definitely inspirational beyond belief!

Like Fantasy? Like Pirates? How about Ninjas? Court Politics? Going after Barmaids and Wenches? They Tee Morris' acclaimed Morevi Remastered! If you like gumshoe novels, and mysteries, I highly suggest his Billibub Battings series!

Want a bit of Sci-fi? Clone fun? Political intrigue and suspense? Go for gold with J.C. Hutchins' masterpiece trilogy 7th Son.

In the mood for some Super Powered Battles? Love Heros? Are you a comic aficionado? Then try Mur Lafferty's Playing for Keeps! This book has several of us at work yakking at the cooler with each new issue. This thing is going far, so get in while you still can!

Are you just a huge horror fan? Want a Cop story with a Supernatural spin? Fan of Michael Crichton? Love gore and lewd things. You will LOVE Nocturnal and the other works of Scott Sigler.

Want a bit of satire? A Dash of Adventure? Like kick butt female leads? Try a bit of Space Casey and Nina Kimberly the Merciless by Christiana Ellis.

Go LISTEN! Enjoy!

Thanks again!


1 comment:


Wish you a happy 2008. Your first post is good.